Μάνιος - Παπίδου | Aρχιτέκτονες | The House As an Extensible Structure | Nea Moudania 2003
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Μια συνεχής υποδομή | Νικήτη 2014

Μια συνεχής υποδομή | Νικήτη 2014

Μια συνεχής υποδομή | Νικήτη 2014

Two-story House | The House As an Extensible Structure
On sloping ground, facing the sea, the plan of the residence develops as an arrangement of linear elements which is dependent on a primary central axis. The denoted movement, the sliding of these elements (the retaining walls, the solid filling materials and the glazings, the metal structures, the platforms and the steps) on parallel courses to the primary axis, leave the plan open, creating passages and progression possibilities rather than places where one may stand.
The central axis is the defining line, whose density and depth establishes the house as an extensible structure.
Dimitris Manios